clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
27 Май 2017 16:00

Hello i use record field to display record with the same value in field but currently it does with the STRICT value i would like it diplay records even if it meet 2 or 3 same value in title exemple : currently records field display record if the same value, record 1 title : mintjoomla component for joomla 3.0 will dplay if title on record 2 is mintjoomla component for joomla 3.0.

(sorry if not clear)

i would like records field display record even if it find only 2 work exemple : component and joomla

is it possible please ?

thank you

Последние изменения: 26 Июль 2017

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
28 Май 2017 02:46

Good point. The Records field value comparison is very strict. Unfortunately the parameter options are less versatile than the Records Module. There are far more comparison "operators".

Would be nice to have similar options in Records field.


clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
01 Июнь 2017 12:55

yes i'am trying to do a marketing tool but now i can not manager with current limitation of record field :-(

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
09 Июль 2017 09:04

yes good idea would be to have same option than record module

Total posts: 13,748
26 Июль 2017 04:17

I think you have to use module instead of field in this case.

I cannot add those parameter into the field because, there is no selector by field value. Only comparision of 2 fields and those have to be similar.

If you want few values to be taken in account, you have to use checkbox field. For example create field CMS with values Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress. Then it will look for Joomla. But it cannot break title string with natural language logic inside the query.

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
26 Июль 2017 06:37

Sergey ut it cannot break title string with natural language logic inside the query

i agree but module could overloaded the page no ?

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