clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
22 Фев 2015 18:50

Hello i try to do something but i do not know if possible i have a cobalt record "nice house - 75000 paris"" i have a record field "agent" connected to another section "list of real estate agents"

i would like to show IN FULL VIEW 2 module record one for the agent's card and the other a google map with street view for this house thank you very much

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2015

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
24 Фев 2015 14:54

In fact an option "user limit" - current page viewed would be usefull thank to this option we could display a field value in module records thanks

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
25 Фев 2015 19:23

clowride i would like to show IN FULL VIEW 2 module record one for the agent's card and the other a google map with street view for this house

Sorry, I did not understand your question. Would you mind to explain it again... in other words.

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
25 Фев 2015 20:45

Ok my english is poor, i'm going to use another exemple i have a record "job manager", with my feature request i would have a module records which show the recruiter (the profil based on cobalt type) who offer this job i would have another record module who would show the latest blog news from this recruiter

simply instead of using several records field to display that (becuse of small are in my template), i would like to display that in module record etc sorry if not clear. a bit like this one : but in my case module record would have an option for that (based on field, type, etc)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
25 Фев 2015 22:35

clowride Ok my english is poor

NP! My french is even worse ;)

Is your jobmanager/recruiter the real author and owner of the record? Or do you just relate a Cobalt record? If you want to display related info based on record author in full-view, I would recommend the Records field. You might need a custom record template with proper layout and own sidebar columns.

I remember ME Resources had some specific modules for Relation fields.

Maybe something similar can be re-introduced?
Or Records field and module can get additional parameters? i.e. like it has been done for "Reviews".

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
26 Фев 2015 06:32

Is your jobmanager/recruiter the real author and owner of the record?

owner of the record, i have several recruiter on my website

I remember ME Resources had some specific modules for Relation fields.

Maybe something similar can be re-introduced? Or Records field and module can get additional parameters? i.e. like it has been done for "Reviews"

Exactly you understood thank you

I pm you on facebook for testing the new autotweet ng plugin for cobalt

thank you again

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
27 Фев 2015 02:26


pepperstreet I remember ME Resources had some specific modules for Relation fields. Maybe something similar can be re-introduced? Or Records field and module can get additional parameters? i.e. like it has been done for "Reviews".

Just had a quick look into Records Module parameters. There is already "User Limit".

What about adding "Restrict to current article Author". I guess the full article view context can be checked... and then it should fetch the author/user-ID of current article. Right?

Total posts: 13,748
02 Март 2015 11:53

Restrict current user's homepage is equal to Restrict to current article Author. It is just little broader. not only in user's article but in user homepage means user created, user favorited, ...

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
02 Март 2015 14:07

Sergey Restrict current user's homepage is equal to Restrict to current article Author. It is just little broader. not only in user's article but in user homepage means user created, user favorited, ...

Oh, really?! Good to know.
But the parameter option is misleading. I mean, the wording "homepage" implies it works in that particular context only.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
02 Март 2015 17:20

clowride i have a record "job manager", with my feature request i would have a module records which show the recruiter (the profil based on cobalt type) who offer this job i would have another record module who would show the latest blog news from this recruiter

Should work with proper Records Module settings and parameter: Restrict current user's homepage
Also make use of the parameter "Template Override". You would need to reduce the output and space for a small sidebar area.

Drawback to solve:

The module would show up on your jobs listing, too! So, you can't use the Joomla core module manager feature alone. Either use a 3rdparty extensions like AMM or MetaMod... or even include a special module position in your template, and show it only in Cobalt record full view context (i.e. requires URL sniff or jApplication).

BTW: Maybe a nice feature request for the module: URL sniffer parameter. 2 Inputs when to show/when to hide it. I have seen this in a custom HTML module and a Seblod module ;)


You might be faster and lighter with the Records field, because it is made for records full view.

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