clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
15 Сен 2014 15:54

I know someone has posted a feature request but i can not find it i submited a request about quickcart integration to Techjoomla and here you are their reply "Its on our requested feature list but not on the immediate roadmap.. But we can extend all the help if any 3PD of the Cobalt developers themselves decide to do this.. We have already worked with the Seblod and JReviews guys and they have released their own integrations.. If you can ask someone from Cobalt to contact us, we can help them come up with a integration." you can see the whole reply there :

you can contact them for any help about this integration


Последние изменения: 03 Окт 2014

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pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
15 Сен 2014 16:36

FYI - There is a G+ hangout tomorrow afternoon ;) Including topics about current CCK integration and Quick2Cart API.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
03 Окт 2014 16:08

pepperstreet Including topics about current CCK integration and Quick2Cart API.

Unfortunately, the presentation turned out to be a feature demonstration.
I thought it would give more insight in API, including some example code and details.

Audio quality was medium/low. Sometimes hard to understand the quick speech ;) BTW, there is a recording on TechJoomla youtube channel.

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