clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
21 Фев 2014 13:22


please how can i do some translations for easysocial app for cobalt and how can i have 2 versions of tabs in "see all records' (my homepage, watched, bookmarked, etc) in french and english

thank you

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
21 Фев 2014 15:57

Each app plugin should have a respective language .INI file.




... etc.

Make a copy and rename the file accordingly to your language i.e.:


Translate the file content to your liking.

PS: Not sure, why the english INI file is found in the app plugin folder structure only... my demo install did not move them in the joomla -> language -> en-GB folder. Maybe because I don't have EasySocial? Anyway, since all other .INI files are in that folder (including Cobalt fields),...

you should copy them into the respective joomla language folders!

Total posts: 13,748
24 Фев 2014 06:34

Not sure, why the english INI file is found in the app plugin folder structure only... my demo install did not move them in the joomla -> language -> en-GB folder. Maybe because I don't have EasySocial?

There was a bug in easy social. It did not install language through discover. But it should be fixed in latest version.

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