pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
08 Фев 2014 02:00

Thanks for the heads-up (and efforts!).

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
08 Фев 2014 02:19

BTW, what about their other product: JV-PostMaster

Maybe you can convince them to support Cobalt as well?

Since there is support from obSocialSubmit and AutoTweet NG, they might be interested to join. Always a good idea to have alternatives.

Total posts: 13,748
10 Фев 2014 01:57


20 Июль 2014 20:59

Hi, We are the makers of JV-PostMaster and JV-Relatives, from JV-Extensions. We want to update you that we are working on JV-Relatives for Cobalt CCK now and you can expect some updates on it soon :)

Total posts: 13,748
21 Июль 2014 00:23

Guest Hi, We are the makers of JV-PostMaster and JV-Relatives, from JV-Extensions. We want to update you that we are working on JV-Relatives for Cobalt CCK now and you can expect some updates on it soon :)

If you need any help to understand Cobalt structure just let me know.

Total posts: 4
24 Июль 2014 09:29

As per the Cobalt documentation, the recommendation is one content type per section. Is this something that is followed by majority of the Cobalt community?

Total posts: 13,748
24 Июль 2014 09:44

sniranjan As per the Cobalt documentation, the recommendation is one content type per section. Is this something that is followed by majority of the Cobalt community?

Not at all. Multiple type section is not rare case. Although we recomemnd that type per section is the best architecture, many people need something outside this box.

Total posts: 4
24 Июль 2014 15:31

Thanks. I checked the Cobalt source code and documentation and did not find onContentPrepare Joomla event triggered by Cobalt except for html type fields that are created. Looks like Cobalt does not invoke this globally on a record view like in Joomla articles. Even in the case of such triggers, the context is not Cobalt specific (it is only text) and only the text is passed and not the record object. Is this correct?

Another observation is that, the RECORD_VIEW event notification happens only when a hit is registered and not exactly when a view of the record happens. For example when a visitor/user views the record the first time the RECORD_VIEW notification is triggered, but when the same user/visitor (with same IP) visits it again (it is not considered as hit by Cobalt).

I am asking these questions to figure out the best way to design JV-Relatives for Cobalt.

Total posts: 13,748
25 Июль 2014 02:14

I think the best way to integrate for you is to create Cobalt field. On the form you only will have Yes/No button ofr specials to indicate if you wnat ads in this article or not. And then inside this field you show whatever.

This is also will be good for positioning. You can order this field in the middle of the article or create 2-3 ads positions.

This is a guide to create custom field

Total posts: 4
08 Авг 2014 13:01

JV-Relatives is now available for Cobalt CCK 7 (for Joomla 2.5.x) and Cobalt CCK 8 (for Joomla 3.x). Please refer to the blog post at JV-Extensions for more info.

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
08 Авг 2014 19:08

thank you, i will pruchase, you shoud post this great new on depot best regards

Total posts: 13,748
11 Авг 2014 01:13

sniranjan JV-Relatives is now available for Cobalt CCK 7 (for Joomla 2.5.x) and Cobalt CCK 8 (for Joomla 3.x). Please refer to the blog post at JV-Extensions for more info.

This is amazing!

Total posts: 4
15 Сен 2014 13:36

Anyone interested in JV-PostMaster (tweet to Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Ping Services, JomSocial from articles) for Cobalt???

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
15 Сен 2014 13:47

yes me lol i already have jv relative :) :) :)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
15 Сен 2014 13:57

sniranjan Anyone interested in JV-PostMaster (tweet to Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Ping Services, JomSocial from articles) for Cobalt???

Yes. Always better to have a choice!! (obSocialSubmit, AutoTweetNG)

Работает на Cobalt