clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
19 Окт 2013 15:52

hello :)

my questionis a litlle strange but it is a thing i did with mighty ressource (module had option)

can we display records/relations field in a module based on current record viewed

example : an user is reading an article about kingkong the movie, at the top or the side of template, module display Peter jackon article 's title

Not sure i 'm clear enought

this question because i'm using FIELDSET in article full view, problem would have been fixed if we could use both FIEDSET and TABS but we can not. any idea please

anyway thank you very much

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
20 Окт 2013 07:44

this question because i'm using FIELDSET in article full view, problem would have been fixed if we could use both FIEDSET and TABS but we can not.

Not sure what is the restriction with your fieldset. Do you have a custom template for full view? Do you use the standard Cobalt field-loop?

I think this is possibe with custom template and custom field output in a suitable position. I mean, visually you will get a sort of "sidebar-module".

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
21 Окт 2013 02:57

not currently, before i'm going to ask to a developer if i need to purchase custom template

Total posts: 13,748
21 Окт 2013 06:35

if i need to purchase custom template

I do not think so.

Cobalt 8 is much more advanced on showing related materials. You can use read also for explicitly set articles, records for logic lits or relate for relational records.

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