Total posts: 13,748
08 Июль 2013 06:03

Good !

27 Фев 2014 06:53


ITP meta (pro version) is still not working for cobalt, plus it has other bugs to be fixed

the developer refunded me for now as he said he has no time to fix it quickly:

anyone interested in this plugin should write him here

and tell him that he's intersted in the pro version for cobalt, this shoul help to have the plugin fixed more quickly

thank you

Total posts: 13,748
27 Фев 2014 08:51

Give him my contacts and tell him that he can save time by asking me questions.

28 Фев 2014 03:44

ok, should I tell him to use this contact page to reach you?

Total posts: 13,748
28 Фев 2014 09:20

Yes, this one will also work.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
06 Март 2014 09:47

I sent ena meil to todor personal address one week ago, no still now reply. I have also no more access to his support forum and contact form because by refunding me he also cancelled my pro membership. Maybe it's better to start lookng for something else... What a pity this developer doesn't realize how many new clients he could earn!

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