clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
02 Май 2013 02:48

Hello please

add widgetkit integration as module and plugin to add widgetkit in record like zoo


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
04 Май 2013 06:47

IMHO, this is un-realistic. Why? Because there will be no interest or reason on Yootheme side to support Cobalt. They promote their own extensions, templates and ZOO.

If possible at all... and if WidgetKit would be extended by MintJoomla, you will end-up with a parallel project. This would have to be maintained and updated again and again. Such projects tend to be out-dated or badly supported (e.g. WidgetKit for K2 , hence the similarity between J!core and K2! Even this did not help)

PS: I don´t say it's impossible, but i wouldn't choose or rely on it on a serious project)

04 Май 2013 10:14

I agree with pepperstreet

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