pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
15 Авг 2012 23:31

Are there any plans to improve the field's parameter display in backend? I think, many fields have such an overwhelming amount of parameters, that most people might be confused.

Is it possible to reduce the left parameter area to the headings? Similar to the right side.

Addionally, it would be great to have a conditional display. Especially the "Gallery" field has parameter groups that must not be displayed at the same time... Example: If ResizeMode is AUTO, than show respective auto params... if CUSTOM, than show custom-params, and hide auto again.

(I guess, you have done something similar in "Pay-To..." fields with parameter "Payment Gateway")

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Авг 2012 19:57

Other fields with very long parameter lists could benefit from a shorter display, too. I mean, collapse everything except for the headline. Marked with an open/close icon. Maybe "un-/collapse all" shortcut would be useful, too.

Not sure if J! Mootools Accordions/Sliders have such capabilities. I think, Sliders should stay open. Just close them on click or on close-all action.They must not act like the right sidebar.

Just thinking loud...

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