pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Май 2012 07:42

I recently raised the idea about a default image. Also about filtering... During my last project with Resources picture field I asked myself...:

What is the better approach to have a default image?

  • on field level and parameter (creates unwanted field values and data!)
  • on template level (check field if empty, just display and use a single image file if nessecary)

The template approach might come in handy on filtering, too. How should I filter for "has no image" if there is always a default value ;-)

What do you think...

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Official Answer

Image field 1.3 was released today. It has default value for picture. The option is called Default image path. There you ll need specify exact picture on the site. For example:


Total posts: 13,748
16 Май 2012 08:28

How should I filter for "has no image" if there is always a default value

If you make on template level, then image should be like square with "No Image" label on it. Then "no image" in filter will make sense.

How should I filter for "has no image" if there is always a default value

  • on field level and parameter (creates unwanted field values and data!)

No it will not create extra data. Just display default image set in parameters.

How should I filter for "has no image" if there is always a default value

  • on field level and parameter (creates unwanted field values and data!)

  • on template level (check field if empty, just display and use a single image file if nessecary)

This is almost the same what field level would do. So there is no sense for that to me.

Conclusion: Field level better.

Then I add default image feature for image field. Will be there with next field release.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
18 Май 2012 09:55

Cool, thank you! I will submit serveral Cobalt tests, ideas and issues next week ;-)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
13 Май 2013 15:40

Just forgot about Gallery field... would you mind to add it in C7 and C8?

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