pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
03 Май 2012 10:15

Just noticed that DB tables have still the "JoomSuite Resources" naming scheme. Why is this?

Since "rules and dictates" naming conventions for extensions, companies etc. ;-) ... and MintJoomla Cobalt is a rewrite... shouldn´t it have a more suitable naming as well?

i.e. mj_cob_xxxxxx

What about a Resources Migration from the same DB? Different names would not collide... No extra fiddling with a second DB or moving tables around.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

04 Май 2012 02:43

This is an interesting question. The tables will be changed but later

Total posts: 13,748
05 Май 2012 20:29

Since Cobalt is already accessible by the public... it might be a very crucial topic. I guess, this will lead to problems and many user-comments, if the switch is not smooth and hassle free.

Fortunately we are in the stage when changing of the names of the tables may do as simple update. This should be gefrickel free :D

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