pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
27 Апр 2012 13:26


could you give a hint how to setup the distance and Adress search filter? How does it work? How to use it?

I configured a multitype section with 2 types, each has a Geo field and a different icon. Both fields have distance and adress search set to YES. (public)

But I do not see any options in frontend. No filters.

(Geo field 1.3 RC)


For filtering across a multi-type section, field names have to be equal!

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
29 Апр 2012 00:19

The name (label) of this field in both types have to be absolutely the same. Is it?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
29 Апр 2012 15:51

I know, the filter display works how it was meant to be... but I think it is not really the best UX and UI. If you already have a Gmap as list template on the screen... it looks strange or to complicated for the end-user. Two map areas do confuse the non-techies.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
29 Апр 2012 16:05

The multi-type section starts always with "type1" filter applied... Why is this?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
29 Апр 2012 16:10

The filter map always starts with the highest zoom level. In other words the map is blank and displayed in a solid color.

  • Could it start with current location and another default zoom level?
  • Could not set current location with button. Message alert shows just the term "error" (tested online, no local server!)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
29 Апр 2012 16:15

if I won't let users to set their current location... or if it does not work correctly in all browsers...

it would be nice to have an alternative starting point. What about using one of the supplied country/cities ? I mean, let the user set one of the entries already made... than use this as a base for a default distance value.

Total posts: 13,748
29 Апр 2012 20:35
  • Could not set current location with button. Message alert shows just the term "error" (tested online, no local server!)

This somehow happens on macs usually.

  • Could not set current location with button. Message alert shows just the term "error" (tested online, no local server!)

    I mean, after selecting a country and city I have to "find" and click the apply button...

I think you can turn off ap on filers and use only address input filter.

  • Could not set current location with button. Message alert shows just the term "error" (tested online, no local server!)

    I mean, after selecting a country and city I have to "find" and click the apply button...

if I won't let users to set their current location... or if it does not work correctly in all browsers... it would be nice to have an alternative starting point.

It will not work in all browsers for sure. Only latest modern browsers supports this feature.

Clearly this filter takes more attention. Let us finish Cobalt core and we will start beautifying everything.

30 Апр 2012 01:26

How to turn off map on filter and use adress input?

There is special settings How to show->As text. The others options can be turned off above

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
30 Апр 2012 07:27

Adress input - MapMarker only - Option:

  • it would make sense to have an additional option for input "as GoogleMap marker...". It should be possible to fill the adress fields country and city with the map values on save. Otherwise the filter select fields would not work. Those list only adress field values.

01 Май 2012 02:58

How to turn off map on filter and use adress input?. There is no extra display option for the filter!?! There is just an INPUT format as text.

It is some kind of logic: if you put with map then the search should be with map.

How to turn off map on filter and use adress input?. There is no extra display option for the filter!?! There is just an INPUT format as text.

Default distance radius is not displayed in frontend. It shows "0".

Currently it is a bug. I ll pass information to developers

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