pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Май 2013 03:41

All of us know twitter... which allows to mention users and tags. Typing a special symbol ( @ # ) creates an automatic link. Feels like auto-complete in Cobalt fields. Also comparable to Facebook Ajax search input.

Is it possible to integrate a similar function into the Cobalt Comments?

Or does it make sense as an option in Text fields... because Cobalt can be used as Comments itself.

Ideas & use cases

  • mention other users, creates link to community profile or Cobalt homepage
  • quick link to similar articles (alternative ReadAlso, Related Items)
  • global comments area for a bunch of user submissions. i.e. people submit images... img#1, img#2, img#3 etc. ... users can comment and mention a certain #... #x gets a link and preview thumb.

Related projects & solutions

Related infos

FYI, Bootstrap v3 has dropped TypeAhead script... there are alternative suggestions like:

Последние изменения: 03 Сен 2014

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
22 Май 2013 04:27

nice ideas

Total posts: 13,748
23 Май 2013 04:28

Added Mentions.JS. But there is a bug will not work good. And added only to textarea field. Cannot add to comments in tinymce or other editors.

Total posts: 13,748
23 Май 2013 08:28

But shoudn't "Comments" have similar text input types and filters? Does it always use the full WYSIWYG editor?

This is problem. Textarea should be done in form of Joomla editor plugin. I do not think we will do it :)

Total posts: 13,748
23 Май 2013 11:13

I think it should be an option, at least for Cobalt Comments adapter. Why load a WYSIWYG script for comments?

I agree. But comments editor based on Joomla editors plugins. It meas if you want simplier editor just install plugin that provide this kind of editor.

I think it should be an option, at least for Cobalt Comments adapter. Why load a WYSIWYG script for comments?

Or even restrict to use a specific JCE Editor Profile!? JCE can differentiate between Components... but not detect Cobalt "Comments".

Why? Do not we have editor option in comments parameters?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
23 Май 2013 16:16

First of all, many thanks for this ultra-fast implementation! Hopefully it can be extended with Avatar or Core Comments, different types etc. ;-)

1.) Little but crucial "typo" bug in first release. The script/CSS call is missing a leading slash in the path. So, script and CSS is not loaded. Fixed it myself, see attachment for TextArea default input template.

2.) If you type the first/only one letter... there are some empty lines and the word "Array" in the list. See screenshot.

Total posts: 13,748
23 Май 2013 23:58

2.) If you type the first/only one letter... there are some empty lines and the word "Array" in the list. See screenshot.

This is what I've mention about the bug. I could not fix it. I reported it and waiting till it will be fixed.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
24 Май 2013 20:12

... Do not we have editor option in comments parameters?

Nope :S

Total posts: 13,748
27 Май 2013 01:12

Check comments template parameter. may be it is there :)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
27 Май 2013 02:49

:O Oooops, that's what I missed! Overlooked or new parameter? ._.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
27 Май 2013 02:54

comments template parameter

Aaaah! Its a template parameter! I searched just in Type's parameters and tabs. Not on template level.

Total posts: 13,748
27 Май 2013 04:46

yes that is weird. I'll move that parameter in Cobalt 9.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
29 Окт 2013 12:55

EDIT: Added related link "Bootstrap Tag Autocomplete"

Total posts: 13,748
30 Окт 2013 00:40

Do you know that typeahead is dropped in TB3

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
04 Нояб 2013 19:08

EDIT: Added At.js project and demo links to initial post.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
02 Сен 2014 10:13

Sergey Do you know that typeahead is dropped in TB3

Yes ;) I have added some infos and links to initial post.

Total posts: 13,748
03 Сен 2014 07:10

pepperstreet EDIT: Added At.js project and demo links to initial post.

Big thanks for that! Very neat script. I'll use it when update textarea field.

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