pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,832
07 Сен 2012 14:55

(moved topic from C7 category to C8)

Grouping list results

Is there any possibility to group list results by field values ? I mean something like you can achieve with "SQL group by". I also have seen this feature in Drupal Views module, which gives really cool and versatile results. Also "Fabrik" has advanced SQL joins and groups...

I know, this might be custom SQL related, and it is no Cobalt filter feature...

Maybe something similar can be achieved by pre-filtered lists or records module and fields?! Does grouping by categories make any sense? If all this is to special for Cobalts filter... what about manipulating and re-arranging the results with javascript?

Just guessing...

Any thoughts are much appreciated.

Thanks for listening.

PS: Also seeking and accepting hints for ME Resources!!

What if all items are differentiated by field values? The source data is not organized in categories! It might be simple selects, maybe MultiLevelSelect values...

Simple example output, sorted and displayed in groups and 2 sublevels:

First_Group_Name_1 ( <== no category, its a field value )

-> Gold items ( <== no category, its a field value )

  --> Item1

  --> Item2

  --> Item3

  --> ...

-> Silver items

  --> Item1

  --> Item2

  --> Item3

  --> ...

-> Bronze items

  --> Item1

  --> Item2

  --> Item3

  --> ...


-> Gold items

  --> Item1

  --> Item2

  --> Item3

  --> ...

-> Silver items

  --> Item1

  --> Item2

  --> Item3

  --> ...

-> Bronze items

  --> Item1

  --> Item2

  --> Item3

  --> ...


Последние изменения: 10 Май 2016

Работает на Cobalt