Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
06 Март 2014 06:09


When going over the title, it would be nice to have a tooltip showing the topic content.

Последние изменения: 11 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
06 Март 2014 07:17

Tootip or clickover? Should it be cutted? What if topic is big?

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
06 Март 2014 07:22

I would suggest a tooltip -- if it is clickover i need to click -- then i can also open the topic already.

Yes, if topic is big, just the start (it should just give a better idea if the title is not specific enough) .. stripping of embeded images (or indicate it by a placeholder)

Total posts: 13,748
06 Март 2014 08:15

Ok. I collect all suggestions now and after I mak release today, if I still have time I'll make all forum polishing.

I already like how it looks and works. To me it is better than AngelDesk in some aspects.

We have moved to AWS server and it is yet micro instance. I hope when I update it to medium, after I delete my AngelDesk server on SoftLayer, it will work even quicker.

BTW, how quick is there?

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
06 Март 2014 08:26

Sergey BTW, how quick is there?

Depends ... it was down for last 3 minutes, before super slow ... overall average ..

Switch the debug on for you as supervisor (setting in debug plugin) and observe it ..

Total posts: 13,748
06 Март 2014 09:56

Here is looks good. 1200ms to respond from server.


And profile varies from time to time but in generald looks good


The server I create 6 month ago for demo site is in Ireland datacenter. I think to switch to some US DC.

Anyway server is little bit laggy because it runs on it's maximum.

Here is CPU utilization almost 100% [2] for last 42 hours [1].


Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
06 Март 2014 11:06

performance is below average/ quite slow as of now, even times out from time to time - i predict more problems to come up in the future the ping is acceptable with around 230ms .. there are deeper issues here

Total posts: 13,748
06 Март 2014 12:33

Sackgesicht there are deeper issues here

Which ones?

Total posts: 13,748
07 Март 2014 09:21

Sackgesicht When going over the title, it would be nice to have a tooltip showing the topic content.

I added tooltips but experemental. Not sure it will work stable.

Sackgesicht performance is below average/ quite slow as of now, even times out from time to time

Last 24 hours not more than 8% of CPU.


I have updated too newver server. I purchased 3 years reserved instance, and it costed me only $48 a month. Much cheaper than one server on SoftLayer with I have 2. And abouyt the same capacity as my 2 servers on softlayer. So now I pay $48 instad of $120 a month and I have much quicker solution with much better control.

By the way it is my first LAMP server. No control panel at all. This also adds to perfomance. For example PLESK eats 1Gb of memmory just like this.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
07 Март 2014 09:29

Sergey I added tooltips but experemental. Not sure it will work stable.

Tooltip is nice, just needs a little adjustment. If there is no text content (example - only 1 image) it should not display the tooltip 2014-03-07_17-04-43 Then it should strip leading spaces/empty lines, created by images.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
07 Март 2014 09:33

Sergey This also adds to perfomance.

ping from here is now around 180ms. But since 2 hours it got quite slow again ... 6 hours earlier it was somehow ok.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
07 Март 2014 09:55

Restarted the browser .. now it is much faster ... ;-)

Total posts: 13,748
07 Март 2014 12:03

Sackgesicht Restarted the browser .. now it is much faster ... ;-)

This is by the way my supicion now. Some Javascript memmory leak. Because it works quick and become slower and slower witht the time. I have to profile it but I have very little knowlidge how.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
07 Март 2014 16:07

the tooltip should have a little delay to pop up

Total posts: 13,748
07 Март 2014 16:12

Perfect idea. How long do you think? 1000 ms?

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
07 Март 2014 16:19

maybe even more ... 2000ms .. so that slow mouse movements will not trigger the tooltip. Just if someone stays with the mouse over the topic, it will pop up

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
08 Март 2014 00:26

Good idea. Feels like Kunena-Tooltips, but much faster and more attractive.

One complaint: The light and small text on green is hard to read. I know, you want to celebrate the "mint tint", but I am not sure if it works for info bubbles/tooltips. See image and file upload button: Better. Even better and less eyestrain on hover, because it has more contrast.

Total posts: 13,748
09 Март 2014 11:46

pepperstreet The light and small text on green is hard to read

Iv'e mad it little bit darker and 1000ms delay. 2000 fills slow to me.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Март 2014 02:17

Sergey Iv'e mad it little bit darker and 1000ms delay. 2000 fills slow to me.

Yep, better contrast. Delay is nice!

Somehow, green feels like the wrong color for a temporary splash of information. I mean, you have a lot of green elements on the site, and in most cases it is a button / action / navigation item. Green/Mint is used for many other things. That's why I still like the TBS default semi-transparent black. Or maybe try the inverted version in white!?

PS: I know, this may sound too picky (you know, german) ;-)

Total posts: 13,748
10 Март 2014 06:30

It make sence. I do not like semi-transparant because it is harder to read if tooltip is over another text. But Black I think is an universal color and will be nice for tooltips.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
11 Март 2014 21:42

Sergey ...I do not like semi-transparant because it is harder to read if tooltip is over another text...>

For instance, the default transparency of BS tooltip is pretty good, IMHO. It is not that much transparent, very subtle. Somehow, it fits to a temporary info "bubble". Black or even white is neutral to any other color on your site.

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