Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
03 Май 2012 02:23

If you edit an existing record with a date and press the date picker, it will not recognize the date (depending on the date format) --

example try format dd/mm/YYYY

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

03 Май 2012 04:08

I tried to get this error but without success. Could you give me more details. Perhaps I input only right values that works with field behavior

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
03 Май 2012 04:12

use under Input settings:

"Single Text Input"





03 Май 2012 05:15

I used the same settings. The date I used 18/03/2012. After saving record and opening it again I received:

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
03 Май 2012 05:21

after saving, open/edit the article and click on the date picker -- open the date picker and check the date

03 Май 2012 05:37

Ok. You confused yourself. If you want use datapicker you need set up Single date picker. It implements format too. The using text input in this incorrect and unwarranted

Total posts: 13,748
03 Май 2012 05:50

Катя, он имеет в веду что когда нажимаешь на значке даты что бы открылось онко выбора даты, то дата введеная в поле не подсвечено по умолчанию.

например в поле 1 января 2012 но если нажать на календаре то календарь откроется на 1907 году. Тоесть если мне надо передвинутьдату всего на день, мне придется прокручивать календарь на 100 лет.

А по идее он должен открытся на текущей введеной дате.

Total posts: 13,748
03 Май 2012 05:51

I scheduled this to be fixed with next release.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
03 Май 2012 05:53

Ok. You confused yourself.

Maybe you dont get my point ...

I just want a field with manual input and the option to use the date picker. You implemented this feature ... Now, i just found out,that when you have a date in the input field and want to change it through the date picker, that the date picker does not get the correct date from the input field ... simple as this ...

03 Май 2012 06:41

I understood you but I didn`t use data picker in the settings with manual input. I wrote you about it. If Sergey said that it is scheduled then it was scheduled

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Май 2012 17:18

1.) Single or simple text input means to me, that i can enter my value directly in the field... in text format ONLY. If there is any technical help from the system... **I would expect an input mask **and varification! Maybe supported by a simple help tooltip or permanent hint near the field. The hint describes the INPUT method, that just numbers are required! No separators.

2.) If there is an Calendar input, I would suggest to deny the direct field input at all. If possible, make it visually clear that the Calendar IS TO USE primarily.

It might be easier and more clear to the user, if a click into the field just opens the calendar popup. In other words: OnFocus of the input field.

10 Май 2012 22:22

1) It was at first like you described but then it was considered even in text input there should be calendar.

The mask can be out in the front-end to let user know how the date should be filled in.

2) Next version will have a special parameter that regulate this question. There is planned an option to show calendar or not.

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