Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
09 Апр 2012 01:45

If you search for something in a text field with filter = autocomplete and "show nums" = yes, the number of findings is part of the suggestion and therefore wrong.

Unfortunately it will not look for a substring of existing data, so i need to know always the beginning of my search target. :(

Another "problem" is, that when typing the search word and using ENTER/RETURN to finish the encoding, the typed value and the first found value will be part of the search filter, which will result in a combined search and nothing can be found ... see attachment from 1-4 ...

not really usable at the moment ...

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Official Answer

This bug was corrected. New version text 1.1 will be soon

03 Нояб 2012 20:02

How you create a search field?


Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
03 Нояб 2012 21:22

@Nathaniel Nakache

first you have to see the difference between a filter **and the **text search.

Depending on the fields, they can be defined them as filters and/or search fields. This all is defined in the individual field parameters.

If you define a field as Filter, you can access it through the "Advanced Search--> More search options".

"Searchable" --> it can be searched through the text search box. The search mode of the text box is responsible for the way, the search works (%Like%, Full text search, Automatic). Every search mode has its advantages/disadvantages.

04 Нояб 2012 04:02

thank you very much for your help I understand better now the difference between research and giltrage, but how do I get the autocomplete options in the search field (just before click more options)

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
04 Нояб 2012 05:43


the "Search Field" does not support autocomplete. The autocomplete feature comes with the filter mode --> "More search options".

See the screenshot.

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