Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
25 Май 2017 07:29

Since there seems to be no movement anymore for C9, maybe some things can still be achieved for C8.

1.5 years ago, implementation of conditional parameters was started, maybe it can be replicated again for C8. Using the "showon" attribute would make it easy to implement --> see here (end of the page)

Based on the information here "form->getInput" should be replaced with "form->renderField" to make it work. Maybe an update of formhelper.php could achieve it. Active community members might be willing to submit the respective XML files to fasttrack the implementation of this feature.

Последние изменения: 18 Июнь 2017

Total posts: 13,748
25 Май 2017 15:33

this is done already in C9 branch. I cannot merge it to C8 branch. I can only fastworward changes from C8 branch to C9. Once I do it otherwhise, there is no C8 anymore.

If I apply the same changes to C8 branch I am risking to seriouce conflicts with C9 branch which I still use for Emerald 10.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
05 Июнь 2017 04:37

Those are not the same changes, since the files and path to the XML files is now different in C9 due to the frontend editing ... Example: the file section.xml in C8 (/administrator/components/com_cobalt/xml/section.xml) becomes params.section.xml in C9.18 (/components/com_cobalt/models/forms/params.section.xml)

Total posts: 13,748
18 Июнь 2017 08:35

It is not only in XML. I can safely change that file and then merge branches. But PHP helper files that render forms are not so friendly to change right now.

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