Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
07 Июль 2013 17:05

The audit log always compares to the latest change. We can not see individual changes along the way.


I have a record with 8 versions. If i go to version 4, the tooltip shows "compare V3"

but it actually shows latest version v8 when clicked, which is wrong.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
08 Июль 2013 02:04

DO you mean that tooltip is wrong or you want compare version be different?

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
08 Июль 2013 02:17

The compare view is wrong ... it always shows the latest status -- in this case V8

But i want to compare version V4 against V3 to see what happend there.

Someone encoded something wrong or made mistakes, now you can not trace it back. But if you would see the version compared against the earlier version (as indicated by the tooltip ) than you can see every step along the way.

If not clear, i will try to explain again with an example and pictures...

Total posts: 13,748
08 Июль 2013 03:41

I see. It always added -1 to version. Fixed that.

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