Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
26 Июнь 2013 22:31

Using the video field with gantry/rockettheme templates might create unwanted icons to appear, based on their typography.css

.text-icon.tags, .text-icon.person,, .tags li, .person li, .video li {background-position: 0 -1496px;}

On another note, i can not display uploaded mov files .. the player does not appear. Will investigate further ...

btw, the JW player has also a new version already ..

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
27 Июнь 2013 04:52

This is known issue. But I still cannot find why. It looks like some javascript on RT framework. This is because of video class. But I do not have this class.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
29 Июнь 2013 22:07

This is known issue. But I still cannot find why.

The problem is the modernizr.js which adds a class "video" to the element.

If you added modernizr just to check for HTML5 video compatibility, then you can remove modernizr, since jwplayer has this test integrated in its jwplayer.js through 'createElement("video")'

Anyway, the versions of modernizer and jwplayer are also outdated in the mint media folder ... :D

Total posts: 1,113
03 Июль 2013 04:44

Fixed. Will be in the next release.

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