Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
23 Янв 2013 00:30

Idea for a "Maintenance" modul:

A modul will provide access to predefined queries.

In the modul parameters the admin can define several queries (maybe 10) which are relevant for him.

He can define a Label, the query and maybe condition on the result.

The Modul will display the label with a button to start it. After pressing the button either a progress bar or "busy" animation will show and when the query is finished the result will be displayed. Depending on the condition it might just show a result or even records with a link in a modal window.

Maybe this can be used as a start for a discussion if user think it can be useful and MintJoomla will be interested in providing such a module.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
23 Янв 2013 00:38

Some examples...

  • Show all files which are uploaded, but not linked to the record (record not saved or canceled)

  • Relation field - records which dont have relation

  • Check for double content

  • Record statistics (more than what the statistics modul provides)


Total posts: 13,748
23 Янв 2013 04:22

Why not to use tools section in Cobalt just create tools plugins? Why module?

Total posts: 13,748
23 Янв 2013 10:09

enhanced statistics

This is long planned feature to create something like Mighty Analytics to analyse all types of data with tables and charts. Reports as fields istall separately. Everyone can quickly create report they need. Just like it was in Mighty Analytics with plugin system.:D

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