Xtream VIP
Total posts: 129
29 Март 2012 04:51

Hello Sergey,

The main concept of fields grouping is only to show fields on frontend in group style (like a separate table or slider)? Am I right?

I wish to ask, will we have a possibility to copy group of fields to another type or duplicate it in a present type. I explain what i mean:

In my situation I have an excursion tour to France. It takes 10 days. For description of each tour date i use "text field" and "html field", they are grouped under the name "day 1" I need to create another 9 groups. So it will be nice if we can duplicate groups and also copy structure to another types.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
29 Март 2012 10:38

The main concept of fields grouping is only to show fields on frontend in group style (like a separate table or slider)? Am I right?


The main concept of fields grouping is only to show fields on frontend in group style (like a separate table or slider)? Am I right?

I wish to ask, will we have a possibility to copy group of fields to another type or duplicate it in a present type

This feature is nice, no words. But right now I think it is lowest priority. I'll kip this idea open till time when we have more time to add features like that, when we finish main functionality list.

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