Xtream VIP
Total posts: 129
06 Сен 2012 14:15


Cobalt v. 7.9041

In records/tmpl/default_menu_default.php in line 317 is missed JText:: for "Title"

here is correct code

<?php echo JHtml::_('grid.sort',  ($params->get('tmpl_params.menu_order_title_icon') ? HTMLFormatHelper::icon('edit.png'): null ).' '.JText::_($params->get('tmpl_core.menu_order_title_label', 'Title')), 'r.title', $listDirn, $listOrder); ?>

And all another Sort options are also without JText::

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
07 Сен 2012 00:46

Done. Thank you for very valid note. :)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
07 Сен 2012 18:55
<span class="smile"></span>

Just noticed the good ol' smiley syntax... is it possible to fix this issue on AngelDesk? Thanks in advance.

Total posts: 13,748
08 Сен 2012 05:29

it is double ) ) when together without whitespace. I fixed locally. Will be there with next update.

Xtream VIP
Total posts: 129
10 Фев 2013 13:30

Hello Sergey.

Help me please to fix strange problem with translation options in checkboxes, throw ini file.

In form I can see that all options in checkbox field are translated and if I choose only one option it will be translated in full article mode. But to choose more than one option, translation doesn't work.

Total posts: 13,748
11 Фев 2013 02:49

translation doesn't work

Wheer in full view on the form in filters or in filter alert?

Xtream VIP
Total posts: 129
11 Фев 2013 03:03

Default language are Russian. In Form and filters translation works.

but in full article mode, translation doesn't work (and I think in list mode also)

Total posts: 13,748
11 Фев 2013 04:35

What is in the values source Russian or english?

Total posts: 13,748
11 Фев 2013 04:41

I think you have use values like this




and add translation as in english as in russian. The field value is sort of key and you can always change it's label without need to resave all records.

Xtream VIP
Total posts: 129
11 Фев 2013 15:40

I have found a solution for my problem.

Simply create a new checkbox field with the same settings and same Russian values source. Delete old checkbox field and re-save my articles with this new checkbox field and now everything work :)

Don't know where was a problem... I think that after installing some cobalt updates, somewhere was not resaved some field settings or something else...

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