Цитата Xtream Total posts: 129 24 Апр 2017 18:16 Hello I will try to explain my question... For example this is a URL for the latest post in this forum at a moment http://www.mintjoomla.com/support/community-forum/user-item/4656-giorgi625/48-cobalt-8/7360-problem-with-record-rating.html If we change a part of this URL from /48-cobalt-8/ to /48000-cobalt-8/ we didn't see error 404? Why? http://www.mintjoomla.com/support/community-forum/user-item/4656-giorgi625/48000-cobalt-8/7360-problem-with-record-rating.html same for users part of url http://www.mintjoomla.com/support/community-forum/user-item/4656ASDASD-giorgi625/48000-cobalt-8/7360-problem-with-record-rating.html Ok, I understand that we have a right canonical link for botj of this wrong url, but maybe is a solution to stop it Последние изменения: 04 Май 2017
Hello I will try to explain my question... For example this is a URL for the latest post in this forum at a moment
If we change a part of this URL from /48-cobalt-8/ to /48000-cobalt-8/ we didn't see error 404? Why?
same for users part of url
Ok, I understand that we have a right canonical link for botj of this wrong url, but maybe is a solution to stop it