Total posts: 1
25 Март 2017 16:05


I'm just doing a research about subscription extensions for Joomla and found Emerald pretty interesting. Finding your (not existing) "roadmap" I found your statement about "ran out of ideas". This made me remember something I was looking for a year ago but never found anything even coming close to what I'd need. It's a bit "the other way round" than subscriptions but I can imagine that you like the idea of realizing this.

My plan is to sell "author permissions" as a subscription plan which enables registered users to write articles that can be approved by staff members - or rejected. Writing articles is work and proper work should be paid properly. Hence I'd like to pay the authors for their work: either a fixed price per article or per words in an article. Once an article is approved by a staff member, the ammout shall be added to the authors account and either paid automatically each end of the month (when over a certain limit) or on demand by the author hitting a button somewhere in his profile.

Would that be a challenge for you, guys? In case of needing a name for the project: what about "Amethyst"? ;)

Kind regards, Rüdiger aka Rudgar

Последние изменения: 28 Март 2017

Total posts: 13,748
28 Март 2017 07:57

This is very interested feature and concept and most certainly very usefull. But it is kinda inverted logic. I your scenario, subscriber earn money not pay them.

Emerald sells subscriptions, but Emerald cannot deposit other people accounts. And it is not that we could nto do that, but it is completely out of concept of Membership Extension. If I would do something like that, I would do completely different extension for it.

But also there are ways around it.

You can connect Cobalt and its karma points integration to grant karma points to users for adding articles. Then you can allow users convert karma points into money or spend on your site for instance for reading articles of other users.

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