Sido95 VIP
Total posts: 2
02 Фев 2017 23:57

Hi, I've just bougth and tried to install PRO version of Cobalt 8 to my Joomla 3x site. Installation will be fine, but i've a problem with calendar view. I'm using an Helix 3 template and all external extensions work fine with this.

But your calendar function appear like this:


How can i Fix this issue?

Thank you very much!

Последние изменения: 15 Март 2017

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
03 Фев 2017 22:33

Hello Sido95, please enable your browser dev-tools. Any messages or errors in browser console?
Also enable Joomla Error reporting in global config. (set it to MAX, reload page)

Do other Cobalt pages or Pack-Installs work?

Total posts: 13,748
10 Фев 2017 09:37

You have to enable error reporting to see error. If you do not see error after that, look page source.

Sido95 VIP
Total posts: 2
28 Фев 2017 14:21

Hi, I've done what you said and the errors that i'm having are these in the pic below:

Image 2017-02-28 at 15.27.00

What i've to do now to resolve this issue?

Thank you very much!

Total posts: 13,748
15 Март 2017 11:27

Give me access to your site. Your errors is hidden in your page HTML source.

Looks like you have an article in your section that is of the other type. You create a type added it to section, created article and then deselected that type fro section parameters.

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