developer iyer
Total posts: 1
23 Янв 2017 01:04

Hello, I want to add Social media integration (Fb like, Tweet, Google+, LinkedIn Share) to my cobalt based blog page. I tried adding Content - Social Buttons plugin to my joomla website. It works fine on all others pages but not on the cobalt page

Kindly advice Thanks, Stephane/Shankar :)

Последние изменения: 27 Янв 2017

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
23 Янв 2017 19:06

Hello Stephane, which plugin did you try excatly? Do you have a link? Is it a free download?
Maybe this one? Social Buttons

24 Янв 2017 02:42

Hello PepperStreet, Yes I did use Social buttons as you mentioned in your post but it doesn't show on the pages powered by Cobalt i.e. My Joomla based blog page

Social Buttons shows on the web page.PNG

On this page you can see the social buttons on the bottom of the page Blog Issues.PNG Whereas in this above link, you cannot see the social buttons

Kindly Advice. Hope to hear from you Thanks, Stephane/Shankar :)

Total posts: 13,748
24 Янв 2017 05:56

usualy you like somethign like article. On the list of the articles, like button will lead to where?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
24 Янв 2017 14:18

Guest Whereas in this above link, you cannot see the social buttons

I just can confirm and repeat Sergey's thoughts.
The social buttons are made for details page/record full view.
It doesn't make sense on the list view. I assume it does not display on a Joomla blog/table either!?

24 Янв 2017 23:57

Hello Sergey/Pepperstreet, So my question to both of you is how can share my cobalt powered blog to social media (Fb like, Tweet, Google+, LinkedIn Share)

Let me know, Thanks, Shankar/Stephane :)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
25 Янв 2017 13:39

Hello Stephane, you have different options:

Ideas & Thoughts

if you want to share single / full-view records, you might have a look at JoomBoost's solutions. Besides some templates with share functionality, he also offers an AddThis field, which you simply add and configure in your Cobalt type. A benefit of the field-based solution is the easy setup, but it also adds extra data to your records!

Additionally have a look at JoomBoost OpenGraph and Twitter related fields.

If you or another helping hand has some coding knowledge, the same could be achieved by editing Cobalt's default templates or by creating custom templates.


If you want to share the entire blog or current page, you might add sharing buttons in a Joomla module. For instance:

25 Янв 2017 14:07

YES but joomboost things will no longer updated

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
25 Янв 2017 14:31

Guest YES but joomboost things will no longer updated

Ooops, why is this? Do you know more?

danielbidala VIP
Total posts: 153
27 Янв 2017 06:43

Hello Stephane!

You don't need any extension or addon. Simply register on and add code to your default_record_default.php and any other template file where you need the share buttons.

You have to add something like this:

<!-- Go to to customize your tools -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//" async="async"></script>
<!-- Go to to customize your tools -->
<div class="addthis_sharing_toolbox"></div>
Работает на Cobalt