Total posts: 61
13 Окт 2017 23:17

Is it possible that when users modify their old Articles, that these updated posts can be shown as new Articles ?

I have material which I must update often, so it would be best if modified Articles can also be seen on frontpage.

I have thought to put a badge with text Updated to show that Article is updated. Thanks guys.

Последние изменения: 12 Нояб 2017

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
14 Окт 2017 12:41

By default as I know is only possible to set order by modified but to add badge like feature for modified you will need to add custom code to your tempalte.

Total posts: 61
14 Окт 2017 21:09

Thanks for answer Giorgi625.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
15 Окт 2017 04:13

zerevans Is it possible that when users modify their old Articles, that these updated posts can be shown as new Articles ?

In general I would keep the modified-date.
However, you could even override the create-date by a date&time field.

I have material which I must update often, so it would be best if modified Articles can also be seen on frontpage.

As mentioned in the previous comments, the list view and records module have many sorting options. See and try "Last modified".

I have thought to put a badge with text Updated to show that Article is updated.

In custom template you might compare create-date vs modified-date and echo any custom HTML/class.

Apart from that, what about using the Cobalt Notification system? There is a record event for "edited". Actually, you are seeing a similar application in this forum ;)

Hope this helps.

Total posts: 61
15 Окт 2017 11:29

Thanks to you Pepperstreet. My articles are like Wikipedias, they are updated often because all information is gathered to one place.

Total posts: 13,748
23 Окт 2017 14:03

Yes it is possible. In a section para,eters you may find "Mark articles new". This parameter adds special tag to article so you can either add badge or highlight new articles from last visit of the user.

<?php if($item->new): ?>
    <span class="badge">NEW</span>
<?php endif; ?>

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
05 Нояб 2017 02:37

Sergey Yes it is possible. In a section parameters you may find "Mark articles New". This parameter adds special tag to article so you can either add badge or highlight new articles from last visit of the user.

Too easy... I totally forgot about it! Sorry ;)

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