Total posts: 61
05 Май 2017 13:37

Are there any Components that can be integrated to Cobalt to verify that user is older than 18 years ?

I have a submission form where user can say if material is some way restricted.

But how can I do this verification that user says that he is above 18 yars ? I mean how it can be done as laws demand.

Here is one of free Component to verify age:


Последние изменения: 16 Май 2017

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
11 Май 2017 02:17

I have tested the following and it should work:

  1. Install Regular Labs Modules Anywhere
  2. Install and rename the Age Checker Pro module to 'AgeChecker'
  3. Set the module to a template position that doesn't exists in your template and publish it
  4. Replace XXX with the restriction field key
  5. Replace 'restricted' with your own value. DON'T use your restriction field as a filter or it won't work!
  6. Place the customised code somewhere on top in your record template
  7. Make sure you set the restriction field to 'show on full view' but hide it in the record template
<?php if ($item->fields_by_key['XXX']->result == 'restricted'): ;?>
{module AgeChecker}
<?php endif ;?>    

Good luck!

Total posts: 61
11 Май 2017 19:22

Thousands of thanks Jeff !


Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
16 Май 2017 23:57

No worries, mate

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