Total posts: 61
29 Апр 2017 13:57

Is unpublishing the only way to Admin to configurate users posts ?

Admin can not delete users posts or to modify them ?

Often embedded videos are removed and then only this grey box remains.

It would be nice if Admin can add a new video or for instance also correct grrammar errors.

So are there other ways to modify users posts than unpublish them ?

For me Cobalt is quite a new system: So I do not know all things. Thanks to all.


Последние изменения: 30 Апр 2017

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
29 Апр 2017 18:58

Hello zerevans, I assume you have set your global "Super User" as Moderator in Cobalt Config, right?
Additionally there is a Type parameter "Who can moderate", where you can select a certain ACL.
If this is set to "Special", it should allow "Admins" to do any task on other records, too.
I have tested with "Registered", logged in and could perform edits and everything else.

If you need more detailed control:
Create a special Cobalt MenuItem-Type called "Moderators", which allows to choose certain users as Moderators! It allows to set very specific rights and access per section.

Total posts: 61
30 Апр 2017 09:08

Thousands of thanks to you pepperstreet. You can always help and explain things perfectly.

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