Total posts: 1
21 Нояб 2016 21:23

Hi, I have installed cobalt 8 on latest joomla and it stops my site working in both the frontend and backend. I can use my site but if I select Cobalt from the components drop down it crashes the site with "not able to handle this request"

What would you recommend I check with the hosting company

The install was a bit tricky too but I think I installed everything and have enables the modules and plugins

Thanks for your help

Последние изменения: 23 Нояб 2016

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Нояб 2016 17:16

Welcome to the World of Cobalt!

MarkBradford The install was a bit tricky too

Hello Mark, would you mind to specify "tricky"?
Did you have any errors or incomplete installs?
Can you tell us your installation steps? (which files and packages)

What is your server environment and PHP versions etc.
Did you turn on Joomla error reporting?

Total posts: 13,748
23 Нояб 2016 06:34

pepperstreet Did you turn on Joomla error reporting?

I would start with this.

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