tofty VIP
Total posts: 54
06 Июнь 2019 21:00


I have used the "Cobalt - Module - Records" and have it working as a module on some individual Joomla pages on the main part of the page (not Cobalt). Such as my homepage:

I also had it on a Joomla page (not Cobalt) in the sidebar, and it works. Such as this page:

It loads on Section pages, such as this one:

But it won't show on Category pages:

It will load on article pages ONLY with one of the urls, that doesn't include the category in the url:

Shows -

Doesn't show -

It does show in other sections, no matter what category or what url. So it's something specific to the Recipe category that's being limited.

I'm sure it's a setting in the module, but I can't figure out what it would be, and I can't find any instructions for that Module. Basically, I want it to show everywhere in the sidebar, with no restrictions. I use Gantry and have inserted the Module into the sidebar on one of my Layouts, so basically I want it to show for every page that uses that Gantry Layout, which is all of my Cobalt pages.

And since it's related, how would I set it up to have this module (another instance of it) show only on some Sections / Types / Categories, etc. in the sidebar/template?

Thank you.


Последние изменения: 14 Июнь 2019

tofty VIP
Total posts: 54
10 Июнь 2019 01:54


Note that I've turned this off at the moment, since no one's responding. I put a static html module in place for the time being. I'll turn it back on if someone wants to review it.

I've attached a screenshot of my settings, in case that helps someone troubleshoot this:


Thank you.


Total posts: 13,748
14 Июнь 2019 12:24

I've found an шыыгую records module is commercial, so you do not purchase subscription just to get this module change line 61 in file \modules\mod_cobalt_records\mod_cobalt_records.php

Change this

$cat_id = ($section_id == $params->get('section_id') ? $app->input->getInt('cat_id', 0) : 0);


$cat_id = ($section_id == $params->get('section_id') && $params->get('cat_restrict') > 0 ? $app->input->getInt('cat_id', 0) : 0);
Работает на Cobalt