tofty VIP
Total posts: 54
27 Дек 2017 06:41


I have Cobalt Built In Comments on my site. I allow anonymous commenters. I have it set to simply publish comments when they submit them, even for anonymous people. However, it is requiring me to accept them. I would simply like them to show up.

Also, after I do publish them from the back end, instead of putting the name of the person who filled it out, it is putting my name. How do I make it put the person's name, and a generic plain avatar if they are not logged in? (or whatever gravatar icon shows up)

These are the related settings I've set up in the Type:

  • Captcha for public users - Yes
  • Require admin approvement - No
  • Who can post comments - Public
  • Who can set comments access - Public
  • Who can view comments - Public
  • Who can moderate comments - Special
  • Require admin approvement - No
  • Require admin approvement for comments of public users - No
  • Article author can moderate - No
  • Article author can disable - Yes
  • Comment author can edit - Yes
  • Comment author can delete - Yes


Последние изменения: 05 Янв 2018

Total posts: 13,748
05 Янв 2018 13:09

tofty However, it is requiring me to accept them

This is known problem. Open you DB, find table __js_res_comments, find record ID 1, and change published field to 1.

tofty Also, after I do publish them from the back end, instead of putting the name of the person who filled it out, it is putting my name.

It should not. When you publish them through publish button it should not change owner. But if you edit anonymous comment, then yes, you became an author.

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