tofty VIP
Total posts: 54
21 Нояб 2016 06:17


I have a Record that includes a field that is a parent, that links to a child. This function is working fine.


In the pic, it is the list items - Whole Wheat - Ground Corn - Baking Powder

Now, I would like to be able to display these in a specific order. I thought I could find a way to have a field that I can type a number in, then connect this number to the list items.

So I could set it to display like this, for example: 1 Whole Wheat 2 Ground Corn 3 Baking Powder

Let me know how I can do this.

(I probably will not display the numbers on the final web page version, but they would be visible on the submission form, so I can control the order. I know how to control this once the parts are set up.)

Thank you.


Последние изменения: 22 Нояб 2016

Total posts: 13,748
21 Нояб 2016 10:31

You may order list by created time and set that time acordingly how you want it to be displaied.

tofty VIP
Total posts: 54
21 Нояб 2016 15:22

Hi Sergey,

That won't work for this. Because these items (whole wheat, etc) are reused in other records the time of creation will not be the correct order. This sort of behaves like a recipe. Ingredients get used in multiple recipes. An ingredient could be added now, but then 2 months from now I add another recipe, that needs that ingredient, but the date of creation will not match up in comparison with the other items.


Total posts: 13,748
21 Нояб 2016 16:04

You can always change that date.

But if ou have for example weat and egg and in one article it should be

  • weat
  • egg

and in another article

  • egg
  • weat

Then there is a problem. This means that you need ordering per parent. That is impossible.

tofty VIP
Total posts: 54
22 Нояб 2016 02:46




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