illusioninfotech VIP
Total posts: 35
28 Июль 2016 08:21

Hi, I have purchased Cobalt 8 and to tell you, it is one of the best content extension i ever come across. the flexiblity is tremendous! I am creating a site on which user can upload Photos, Video links, and info fields. Now, there are 3 subscriptions levels in which number of Photos, Video links changes for ex Level 1 50 phots, level 2 100 photos and level 3 150 photos. All the fileds on the form are same for all subscriptions. There will not be any online payment for subscriptions, only regitration for perticular Subscription will allow that Level of facility.

i am not able to purchase the complete Emerald Package. so, please let me the basic extension to complete the job.

also, i would like to know if any third party subscription extension will work with Cobalt, if so which one. But i am more intereste in to do the job with Emerald.

thank you!

Последние изменения: 06 Авг 2016

Total posts: 13,748
28 Июль 2016 14:08

What you want to do is complicated. unfortunately there is no way to control how many files are updaloaded by Gallery or Video field. You can controll how many articles are added, but count how many picture files attached to one article, not possible.

illusioninfotech also, i would like to know if any third party subscription extension will work with Cobalt, if so which one. But i am more intereste in to do the job with Emerald.

I do not know any. In any case there is no extension that would have as much integration level as Emerald.

illusioninfotech VIP
Total posts: 35
28 Июль 2016 21:41

Hi, Thanks for reply.

In Gallery filed there is an option 'Maximum files count limit'

Upload limit.JPG

but now, i want 3 different limits for 3 diffrent user groups. is it possible in Emerald? its really important for my site. The whole meaning of subscription is to have possiblity of diffrent limits/access for different User Groups.


illusioninfotech VIP
Total posts: 35
29 Июль 2016 12:54

Hi Can please comment on this. is there any possible way i can use this 'Maximum files count limit' in Gallery field to integrate it with Emeral subscription in relevance with my above query?

Total posts: 13,748
02 Авг 2016 06:07

Theer is no way out-of-the-box.

You see those limits are per article. But what if user submits 3 artilces? Should we count total of all articles? And later when subscription expires, and user extend it, should we add another number to total or count already added numbers as part of new subscription?

What I want to say, that this calculation is not simple thing. All scenarios should work for flexible feature. It means that implementation of this is also not simple.

i can only suggest you to allow only one file updalod per article and cound articles.

illusioninfotech VIP
Total posts: 35
02 Авг 2016 09:47

Hi Sergey, thanks for your reply.

My requirement was, 1. Every User will Submit only 1 article (i have limited submit option to 1 Only). Not more than that in any condition. 2. Every user has to choose a plan from 3 subscription options. Each subscription has different number of Upload limits. silver: 50 Images, 3 Videos; Gold: 100 Images, 5 Videos and Platinum, according as earlier plans.

Well, i have managed to configure the requirement.

  1. I created 3 difrrent joomla user groups.
  2. I created 3 difrrent Cobalt Types with 3 different Image, Video upload limits.
  3. i used a third party Group selecter for User Registration, which assign the user to preffered Group during Registration.
  4. I then assigned all 3 Types to Single Section. Now, All the Artciles uploaded by 3 types of subscribed user displays on home.
For time being at least, everything to be worikng fine now. I dont have time, the site will go Live in 4-5 days only.
Now, i know it was not recommended to use more than one Type to single Section. i want to know, what could be its implications good or bad, or possible issues? After going Live, on the site there will not be more 400 to 500 articles submitted by users at most.

i used J 3.4.7 and Cobalt 8.715 + compatible other extensions; i want to switch to 8.719, but there are showing some minor issues.

Total posts: 13,748
02 Авг 2016 12:37

illusioninfotech For time being at least, everything to be worikng fine now

That is smart! I did not see that way out. it is defenetely a solution.

illusioninfotech Now, i know it was not recommended to use more than one Type to single Section

It is not recommended for cases where it may be avoided. For your case it is tottaly fine! there woun't be any issue I think. I mean there might be issues but not because you use multiple type.

illusioninfotech VIP
Total posts: 35
03 Авг 2016 06:33

Hi Sergey,

Thanks, but i think thats the beauty and flexiblity of Cobalt!

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