Total posts: 14
07 Июнь 2016 13:44


My name is Jose. I´m the IT in charge of a University in Madrid (Spain).. Please forgive my English mistakes :-)

I´m trying to add new records to show information of teachers (name, last name, phone..etc) through Advanced Profiles Addon.

I´ve been following the instructions of how to import record fields and it seems that everything is as you can see in the screenshots but no record field is added.

The file is a csv in Unicode format. I don´t know where it could be the problem.

The .csv file must be in a specific folder?

Thank you very much for your help

Kind regards!




Последние изменения: 17 Июнь 2016

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
07 Июнь 2016 19:34


based on the screenshots it seems you are not using the latest version of Cobalt. There were some changes made to the import recently.

Try to update first and import again.

Total posts: 14
08 Июнь 2016 08:43

Hi Sackgesicht!

Thank you very much for your help.

I´ve updated Cobalt version but still doesn´t work :-(

I attach you new screenshots so you can see my Cobalt version

Thank you very much again for your help

Kind Regards.



Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
08 Июнь 2016 10:25


maybe you can attach your csv (just some demo records) for testing ....

Total posts: 14
08 Июнь 2016 10:30


This is the csv file..

Thank you very much again for your kind help..


Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
08 Июнь 2016 10:50

Jose, i was able to import your 3 records into my test setup ...

I just noticed, that on your screenshot there is no "Title" Column, which seems to be the issue. In your TYPE setings under "General Parameters" you selected most probably "No Title".

I need to go now, will be back in 1 hour and look into it further.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
08 Июнь 2016 10:53

See my import screen ...


then check your TYPE settings:


Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
08 Июнь 2016 10:56

I would suggest to add a column to your csv for title and add there the expected format (FiRST NAME LAST NAME)

Juan Garcia

Maria Gomez

Luis Perez

You might want to clean up the section if you have already imported some records, which does not show up.

Total posts: 14
08 Июнь 2016 11:41


Good news! It seems it worked now :-)

But I have some questions about it..

  • Why do I have to add the first name and last name in the title? I´ve seen that in that way it works..what´s first name and last name fields use them for? only for curiosity..

I attach you a screenshot of the TYPE settings so you could tell me if it´s ok now.

  • It shows an error when the import finishes (you can see it below) . It´s in Spanish, I translate it for you:


  • Warning! The file couldn´t be moved
  • Warning! The file couldn´t be moved
  • Warning! The file couldn´t be moved

But as you can see the records have been added.

  • One last question.. I have the teacher´s photos in a folder and their CV in another folder. How can I import those pictures or the CV files? I mean, in the csv file what must I write? How could be an example of the root folders?

Thank you very very much again for your fantastic help!! :-)

Kind regards..

cobalt 6.JPG

cobalt 7.JPG

cobalt 9.JPG

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
08 Июнь 2016 13:48


it seems your TYPE was configured as "Composite Title"... -> see tooltip of "Composite Title Mask" for a short explanation.

Usually every Record in Cobalt has a title. If you select "No Title", Cobalt will generate a unique title for you and hide it in the list and article view. Composite Title generates the title from the parameters of the "Composite Title Mask".

It seems the import of Cobalt 8 does not support those title settings yet (have to test it to finally confirm it). Your CSV should therefore contain a column with the full name assigned to the "Title" field.

The warning has something to do with the image files. Most probably there is a problem with your path in the csv and the folder where you uploaded your files. I never imported images, so I need to check this first for the correct folder format.

Total posts: 14
08 Июнь 2016 14:20


It´s strange because the csv file as you could see, only had text, not folder roots.

Ok.. but don´t worry you have helped me a lot :-)

I´ll keep on looking how to import CV files or pictures.. It must be a way to do it.. If I find it I´ll write it here in this topic.

I really appreciate a lot your kind help

Total posts: 14
08 Июнь 2016 15:00

Finally I´ve found how to import pictures

I created a column named IMAGES and I put the name of the file in it

For example: picture1.jpg, picture2.jpg..etc

The pictures are saved in IMAGES folder.

The problem right now is that if I need to update some data of a record, (for example update the phones), Cobalt creates new records, it doesn´t update the existing ones.. :-(

How can I update info without create new records? In the csv file, the id column is the same that the one I want to update of course

Thanks again!!

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
09 Июнь 2016 05:54

Actually it should update the existing records.

Did you save your settings under an import profile and used the same import profile to update the records?


Always use the same import profile to make sure records will be updated and not created a 2nd time.

Total posts: 14
09 Июнь 2016 08:25

Hi good morning!

Ok.. I know then what´s the´re right. When I imported the file I didn´t create a profile, simply I associated each field.

Thank you very very much Sackgesicht for all your great help! :-)

Have a nice day! Regards!

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
09 Июнь 2016 08:45

Import in Cobalt has still some small issues. Maybe you can report your experience and suggestions for improvement here.

I'm trying to come up with a comprehensive guide/quickstart manual for IMPORT to avoid the problems you experienced recently for other users.

Total posts: 14
09 Июнь 2016 08:59

Yes sure!!

I´m keep on testing import function with different type of fields.

I´ve read your suggestions in other topics too. I think you could add in your guide where the csv file it should be or the format it should have.

For example..

If I save the csv in the root folder of my site, I can associate fields correctly but if I save the csv file in other folder, sometimes I can´t see the fields to associate them.

I´ve realized that the csf file must be saved in Unicode format too. I had some problems if the csv file is in ANSI or UTF-8 format.

I never get tired of thanking you.. :-)

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
09 Июнь 2016 09:48

sandamaso If I save the csv in the root folder of my site, I can associate fields correctly but if I save the csv file in other folder, sometimes I can´t see the fields to associate them.

it should not make a difference where your CSV is located, since it will be uploaded to a subfolder under the /tmp folder in your Joomla root. If you upload it to a remote web server, i would suggest to zip the CSV file first.

Total posts: 14
09 Июнь 2016 10:42

Ok. I´m testing it right now on my local site.

I´ll do the tests online too with your suggestions..

Total posts: 13,748
12 Июнь 2016 10:48

I am following....

Total posts: 14
17 Июнь 2016 12:06


Please excuse me.. I´ve been out of my job since today... :-(

I´ve done many imports and it seems it works fine right now.

Thank you very very much for your attention.. I appreciate it a lot.

Kind regards..

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