aclertant VIP
Total posts: 14
27 Июнь 2016 13:05


I'd like to choose "calendar" as a template inside a 'list record' module but it's not available. I installed the "calendar pack" and it work well.

Do you know why ? How can I trick it ?


Последние изменения: 29 Июнь 2016

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
28 Июнь 2016 17:51

Hello aclertant, unfortunately it does not work in the module. I guess, it checks for module context. Sorry, I don't remember the exact reason.

The Records module .XML file has an exclude for a template override named "calendar":

Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-28 um 20.09.50

At your own risk, you might change the file...
or create a template copy with a different name.
Duck and cover... and see what happens ;)

Total posts: 13,748
29 Июнь 2016 04:57

pepperstreet Sorry, I don't remember the exact reason.

the reason is that calendar template is not adopted to small views.

aclertant VIP
Total posts: 14
29 Июнь 2016 09:32

ah ok,

So it's to use in full page with something like { loadposition agenda } in an article. So I remove the exclude parameter in the xml file and it work ??

Very good ;o) thank's for support.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
29 Июнь 2016 10:16

aclertant it's to use in full page with something like { loadposition agenda } in an article

Good point.

@Sergey Probably it is better to remove this hardcoded restriction?! If there is no technical issue or disfunction, I would leave the decision to the user.

aclertant VIP
Total posts: 14
29 Июнь 2016 12:44

Thank's pepperstreet, until now it work like a charm ;o) The responsivity is not so bad in fact...


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