Nathy78 VIP
Total posts: 9
02 Июнь 2016 12:40


I use development tools of Google chrome to see and change my templates css. I'd like to open boostrap.min.css to modify the css, but I cannot succeed in opening it. How may I do to change my display ?

I also want to change the text on button "buy now" but I didn't find how and where. Could you help me ?

Thanks in advance Nathalie

Последние изменения: 03 Июнь 2016

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
02 Июнь 2016 13:38

Hello Nathalie,

Nathy78 I'd like to open boostrap.min.css to modify the css

Stop! Never ever modify any core files.
Also hence the name. This is a "minified" version.
It is optimized in size and not meant for direct editing.

Global J! Template styling

What Joomla Template or Template-Framework are you using?
Always check your template features and docs for custom CSS and how to do custom styling!
Often there are custom settings inside your template style parameters, or you can use a special external file. For instance custom.css

Nathy78 change the text on button "buy now" but I didn't find how and where

Joomla has a Language Manager for Overrides. Here is a simple tutorial with 7 steps. And here is the docs article.

BTW, the language constant is called EBTNBUYNOW

Hope this helps.

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