kisznera VIP
Total posts: 32
07 Сен 2017 09:04

Dear Support,

I still working on import my old data files. When I try to import a csv file (semicolon still not working), I found two issue:

1, I have the next data file


Only the first and third line will be imported. In the seccond and fourth line the SZAMLA field is empty or 0 so the import script ignore it. The SZAMLA field is not required. The question is how can I import record with some empty, but not required fields?

  1. The category data will be lost.

During the import I saved the import setting to save time, but when I try to reuse the settings, I got an error message, that the category setting is missing. It seems, that the category set, but when I klick to next button, I got an error. So during the import procedure I should reset the category setting for correct working.

Thanks in advance.


Последние изменения: 23 Окт 2017

kisznera VIP
Total posts: 32
14 Сен 2017 07:19

Hi! Is there any news in this topic? We have payed for the component and for the support! Thanks! Antal

Total posts: 13,748
22 Сен 2017 07:27

What you assosiate SZAMLA with? What field you use as ID?

kisznera but when I klick to next button, I got an error.

What error? Is there error message?

kisznera VIP
Total posts: 32
22 Сен 2017 09:23


The id is the "KOD" and the SZAMLA is a simple text field which is not required. When its empty then the import simply ignore this line, and import only 2 records instead of 4.

Thank you!

kisznera VIP
Total posts: 32
25 Сен 2017 08:31


We have an other problem with the import method. OK, I try to use , instead of ; (it is very confusing remove , from ; addresses and use use other caracters, but OK)

The next problem is that the import simply skip the records, whitch contains special, hungarian carcters (á, é. ő etc.) Is there any trick to import the datas, I mean some convert or anything? It is not possible to change 5000 recods manualy.


kisznera VIP
Total posts: 32
25 Сен 2017 08:49

I converted the files to UTF8 and it helped.

kisznera VIP
Total posts: 32
25 Сен 2017 12:10

The category error still come. I load a saved configuration:

Then click to the next button:

When I change the category to something and after change it back than the error doesn't come.

As I see this error occures, when I try to change the category settings in a saved configuration. If it is not possible to change this setting, it would great to make a note or something.

Total posts: 13,748
23 Окт 2017 14:14

kisznera As I see this error occures, when I try to change the category settings in a saved configuration.

But there is not error in new configuration, right? Can you create pack from your section and give me your CSV file?

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