Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
13 Май 2013 02:23

Hi guys, I'm looking to reshape my site to more of a social networking venue for my member authors. Is this possible with Cobalt 7? Should I rather upgrade to cobalt 8 and Joomla 3?

I'm obviously hesitant to rush in and change things without doing research. Some of the things I'd like?

Ability to import blog RSS feeds

Post updates - e.g. share on CRR (much like twitter, etc)

I need to find a way to bring new content to the site on a regular basis and promote my authors at the same time.

All thoughts are welcome

Many thanks,


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
14 Май 2013 00:33

Should I rather upgrade to cobalt 8 and Joomla 3?

That would be perfect. But please make a backup before. And it may take longer than you think. All custom templates should be refactored. It is long process. SO if you have everything working perfectly just let it work :).

Should I rather upgrade to cobalt 8 and Joomla 3?

Ability to import blog RSS feeds

Not even planned.

Should I rather upgrade to cobalt 8 and Joomla 3?

Ability to import blog RSS feeds

Post updates - e.g. share on CRR (much like twitter, etc)

This you can make with any social module or insert addthis widget into template.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
28 Май 2013 10:00

Import or just display RSS feeds? Import means storing and creating content on YOUR site.

Support for Cobalt is not necessarily needed, you can use J! core articles.

Create and Convert into site content:

(they might add Cobalt support or create an addon for your needs) - FeedGator

(free, not sure about J!25 and 30 support, support for J! core, K2 and FlexiContent)

Display only:

There are a lot of free RSS extensions and modules around. Please browse respective JED categories.

Apart from ShareThis or AddThis widgets...

you can also post updates to Social Networks automatically:

Not sure if you want to post Cobalt articles, or news from your J! blog articles.

Cobalt is supported by:

OBsocialSubmit, (but beware of total costs)

Similar, cheaper product AutoTweetNG by Extly

Not sure if its easier or if there are technical differences, Cobalt support.

BTW, aren't you dealing with Books on your site?

FYI, Amazon field

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
29 Май 2013 01:31

Thanks for all of this. I will look into them - I agree that there are a lot of apps that allow posting to social networks like FB and twitter. I'm looking for something that I can use in reverse... I know it's doable and that there would be a cost involved, but I'll continue to work on it.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
29 Май 2013 09:52

I'm looking for something that I can use in reverse...

FYI, Joomlart released a special template called JA WALL, which includes a JA Social plugin, and also FeedGator. AFAIK, the Social Plugin is only available with this single template purchase. Not sure, if they modified FeedGator to work with J!3.

Some people complained it was "stitched together" from different code resources ;-) but anyway, it seems to work pretty well. See SOCIAL FEED menu on the left side.

J! 25 demo

J! 30 demo

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
30 Май 2013 00:48

I'm wanting to have two sections to the site. The first is the "static" or information section, but the second needs to be an interactive social network for authors, publishers and readers. In other words, I want to combine aspects of other sites into one, e.g Yahoo groups (chat), Goodreads (bookshelf - or library which seems to be an option) Facebook (activity), triberr (ability to share to twitter, linked in, etc)...

The plan is to make it a "one stop" site for all members of the group with the ability to view, review, share, recommend and discuss the books.

I am investigating Jomsocial at the moment which seems fairly comprehensive with a gazillion add ons and which doesn't seem to conflict with the rest of the site (Cobalt 7). A learning curve, I'm afraid, and I appreciate your input. I do wish I could do it all with Cobalt, but realize that would be a major task for you!

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
06 Июнь 2013 10:19

:D Well things have a habit of "growing" beyond original expectations... it's really a challenge for me to know which to use where, I'm afraid, being a little "challenged" by lack of knowledge and learning as I go. I've spent a lot of time Googling various options, and there is so much contradictory information out there that I think perhaps the only way is to try and see??

For now, I definitely want the "interaction" that a FB type community offers (only because this seems to be a popular demand) but I want users to have more control over their privacy (maybe I'm prejudiced, but the FB thing seems to delve somewhat obtrusively into things best left alone)

Fundamentally, though, I want a "go to" site, a place where readers, authors and publishers can interact if they want and generally have fun without feeling pressured by too much "buy my book" type promotion.

I've realised that, to achieve this, one has to make the books the focal point with the readers the drivers. For that reason I'd like to be able to set up a library on the site, where readers can upload their favorite books onto their shelf - I want the books to show on their shelf but also to be part of the bigger library. Buy links should be discreet, and run through Amazon, Rakuten and Smashwords (book sales and minor ads will hopefully carry the cost of the site, but I don't want it in your face)

This is my major dilemma right now - to put together something along these lines that will integrate into a social stream as well. Reviews, ratings, etc are also important.

If you have ideas as to the best options for this I would really appreciate it. Tearing my hair out here!

Total posts: 13,748
06 Июнь 2013 10:28

Buy links should be discreet, and run through Amazon, Rakuten and Smashwords

:O:O:O Hmmm, looks like task for custom development. Heave custom development I should say.

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
06 Июнь 2013 10:41

Yep, I think you're right.... and there's more (sigh)

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