Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
28 Дек 2013 23:56

Hi there, I'm a tad confused here and thought I'd check before doing something wrong :D

I have a subscription plan (and will have others) but I also have some "one off" buy links on my site which aren't related to emerald at all. If I set the INS settings in 2CO to global, what will happen to the other purchases that aren't emerald linked?

These non-emerald purchases will be books, advertising and services - do I have to go back and redo them in cobalt (currently simple Joomla Core articles) and link them to emerald?

I think that the global ins settings will affect all products, and if not emerald linked then this will create issues - or will the individual product settings override these?

My apologies if it is a dumb question, but I cannot work out what will happen and don't want to scramble things.

Many thanks,


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
30 Дек 2013 03:57

If I set the INS settings in 2CO to global, what will happen to the other purchases that aren't emerald linked?

Unfortunately. This is how 2CO API works. This was always annoying limitation.

Although it is said that I can override this URL and we do send new URL there. So basically even if you set different INS url it should work but not tested.

If I set the INS settings in 2CO to global, what will happen to the other purchases that aren't emerald linked?

My apologies if it is a dumb question

This is very serious question. Ans long discussed with 2CO.

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
02 Янв 2014 00:39

Thank your for your response, I appreciate it. So to be safe I should just set all 2CO payments to run through Emerald?

Total posts: 13,748
06 Янв 2014 00:28

I am not sure what you mean. You cannot set 2co payment of other extension to run through Emerald. But you are right if you configure INS to emerald it will work perfectly.

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