PetterSandvik VIP
Total posts: 110
15 Март 2019 13:32


I know in the old Resources, there were possible to let text wrap around image. Is it possible to fix in Cobalt?

Последние изменения: 22 Март 2019

Total posts: 13,748
21 Март 2019 04:40

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Март 2019 03:41

Hello Petter,
you might also have success with a custom CSS class...
you can enter a custom class name in the image field parameters.
See General Properties -> Field Class

Depending on your current site's template and framework, you might even try pre-made utility classes like...

For Joomla core Bootstrap v2:



For Yootheme UIKIT v2 and v3:
(adds margins, even has additional responsive classes)



Usually, floated stuff might need an additional "clearfix" on the surrounding or following container...
but for now I would give it a try without one. See what happens to the layout.

Hope this helps.

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