PetterSandvik VIP
Total posts: 110
28 Авг 2018 22:11


If I add more than one video in field, it disappears from the frontend, but is there when its edited. If I delete it, it again works.

Последние изменения: 04 Сен 2018

Total posts: 13,748
03 Сен 2018 14:19

What kind of video? Upload? Link? Embed? Any error in console?

PetterSandvik VIP
Total posts: 110
03 Сен 2018 19:17

Upload, no error in console

Total posts: 13,748
04 Сен 2018 05:30

I vould not recomend to use upload field. Use link. Upload it to Vimeo for example, protect it to see only from specific domain and stream from there. Uploaded videos can never deliver good quality. You make user experiance bad with it. I added upload to that field only becuase I could, but it is not updated for long time. It uses JW Player.

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