Total posts: 13,748
06 Сен 2015 05:08

That usually happens when glossary term is found inside HTML attribute like link title. We do not yet have a way around it.

Total posts: 13,748
07 Сен 2015 10:07

There was a Russian developer who supposed to rewrite it. But he got lost.

PetterSandvik VIP
Total posts: 110
07 Сен 2015 14:03

Could you please repeate when it happends? I didnt understand. If it dont happend always, i maybe can work around with using it a other way.

Total posts: 13,748
08 Сен 2015 14:08

For example you have this HTML

Please read article <a href="hrttp://" title="Article about Joomla">here</a>.

Where Joomla word in title is glossary term. Glossary polugin will atempt to replace it with a link.

Please read article <a href="hrttp://" title="Article about <a href="/ru/support/community-forum.html?___=">Joomla</a>">here</a>.

And those bouble quotes are the reason.

And right now I do not know good solution to avoid replacement in HTML attributes.

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