ahen VIP
Total posts: 14
04 Нояб 2015 22:02

Hi, I have just purchased and installed emerald 9, and following the quick start guide, when I get to Create Group, I enter the details and when I press Add, or Save, or Save and new, nothing happens. I can't seem to be able to create a group, and cannot progress any further until this is done. Please help.

PHP Version 5.4.45 Web Server Apache Joomla! 3.3.6 Stable

Последние изменения: 10 Нояб 2015

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
06 Нояб 2015 14:55

ahen Joomla! 3.3.6 Stable

Hello ahen, why are you using an out-dated Joomla release. Did you notice the last important security update? It is very crucial to update your system!!

"High Priority - Core - SQL Injection (affecting Joomla 3.2 through 3.4.4)"

So, I highly recommend to update your CMS and have another try with Emerald...

Regarding your button-issues:

I think there were changes and issues in the previous Joomla releases. There were some changes in Joomla core Javascript. Many other 3rd-party extensions and template frameworks had issues with it, too. Including Cobalt field groups manager.

Total posts: 13,748
07 Нояб 2015 13:56

There are some changes in Joomla's core JS file that breaks compatibility. If i fix it , it stops working for older Joomla. SO we always keep it up to date Joomla. It means that latest Emerald version is ment to be installed on latest Joomla.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
10 Нояб 2015 16:08

Are you sure that you dont have any mootols disabler plugin? Try cnahging the template and see if it works. I had this issue many times, but fixed with what I have written.

ahen VIP
Total posts: 14
10 Нояб 2015 20:03

Hi, I have searched for mootools and there are no plugins called that. Also I changed the template to both Beez3 and then to protostar and tested both times with the same problem, I can't apply or save the groups.

ahen VIP
Total posts: 14
10 Нояб 2015 20:37

OK I have found and disabled jQuery and it has allowed me to create the group now. Thanks.

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