in Joomla Global configuration if I set parameter "Force SSL" to "Entire Site", this happens:
_ Paypal Gateway not register payments
_ After Payment I get message "Redirect on not secure...."
_ Sometimes session is lost and user is logout (Offline and Paypal gateways)
After some investigation I have found a solution, in file /components/com_emerald/library/php/gateway.php I have replaces these 2 functions
public function _get_notify_url($id)
$url = JURI::root().'index.php?option=com_emerald&task=plans.create&Itemid=1&processor=' . $this->type . '&em_id=' . $id;
return $url;
public function _get_return_url($id)
$url = JURI::root().'index.php?option=com_emerald&task=payment.back&Itemid=1&processor=' . $this->type . '&em_id=' . $id;
return $url;
You use JRoute::_($url,FALSE,-1), but "-1" remove ssl, so in ssl sites you have another redirect and lost some parameter, still "-1" is not a valid value ( https://api.joomla.org/cms-3/classes/JRoute.html ), so you may have unexpected behavior. I recommend to not use jroute, sometimes it makes trouble, because it tries to force Itemid
Hi, in Joomla Global configuration if I set parameter "Force SSL" to "Entire Site", this happens:
_ Paypal Gateway not register payments
_ After Payment I get message "Redirect on not secure...."
_ Sometimes session is lost and user is logout (Offline and Paypal gateways)
After some investigation I have found a solution, in file /components/com_emerald/library/php/gateway.php I have replaces these 2 functions
You use JRoute::_($url,FALSE,-1), but "-1" remove ssl, so in ssl sites you have another redirect and lost some parameter, still "-1" is not a valid value ( https://api.joomla.org/cms-3/classes/JRoute.html ), so you may have unexpected behavior. I recommend to not use jroute, sometimes it makes trouble, because it tries to force Itemid