Total posts: 7
05 Окт 2015 09:41

Hi there,

Let me first say thank you for this great component that I just recently disvovered. So many configuration options, great!

I haven't however found an option for what I am trying to do. Is it possible to show the user menu for the logged-in user only? I don't want people to open another user's page and get the "Hidden" and "Expired" tabs, because they don't have access to them anyway. They will only get a permission error, that could easily be avoided by simply not showing the tabs.

Thank you.


Последние изменения: 19 Янв 2016

Total posts: 13,748
05 Окт 2015 12:53

tronline want people to open another user's page and get the "Hidden" and "Expired" tabs

Even if they open they cannot see hidden and expired. Those items in menu only for you. For others it is not ther because there is no sence to show hidden articles of the other user.

Anyway you can open section to edit, find parameters of the markup template.


And then select who can see user menu


Total posts: 7
05 Окт 2015 15:43

Well, thank you, but I think, this is not really what I am trying to achieve.

In my case there are no public users, the whole Joomla site is for registered users only. * If RegUser#1 opens his own cobalt page, he gets his user menu, where he can choose to display his hidden or expired articles. That's okay. * But if RegUser#1 opens the cobalt homepage of RegUser#2, he also gets the user menu. In this case it doesn't make much sense to have the tabs for hidden and expired articles, because RegUser#1 doesn't have permission to look at them.

So I would like to disable these tabs (or the whole user menu) for other users' pages. Disabling the user menu completely is not an option, because RegUser#1 wouldn't be able to access his own hidden and expired articles then.

In your second screenshot (Who can see the user menu) I need the option "Author only".

Total posts: 7
07 Окт 2015 13:19

Never mind.

I did on override of "default_user_block.php" and show the user menu only if($this->isMe).

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
19 Янв 2016 12:39

tronline I did on override of "default_user_block.php" and show the user menu only if($this->isMe).

Thanks for the headsup and code example.

tronline But if RegUser#1 opens the cobalt homepage of RegUser#2, he also gets the user menu. In this case it doesn't make much sense to have the tabs for hidden and expired articles, because RegUser#1 doesn't have permission to look at them.

Agree. Makes sense to me.
AFAIK this can't be controlled with the current configuration options and parameters.
User experience is not optimal.

So I am going to re-open this topic for further thougths and investigation.
IMHO, this should have a better default display, or a parameter to control access/privacy.

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