Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
26 Янв 2019 22:38

I am sure everyone know about push notifications.

It became very popular and efective way to attract users even if they are not currently viewing your site to send them live notifications about news on your site. Almost all sites which I visit show notification asking me to enable that feature.

I've seen some extensions for joomla, but none of them had compatibility with Cobalt CCK.

As Cobalt allready has Notifications feature it maybe not hard to add feature to show that notifications as Desktop push notifications?

But there is one con for default notifications. As I know Cobalt notifications show only Title of record and action what happened to that record, because it is not prophet and can't know beforehand which field will be used as image or description.

Description is not mandaroty I think because Action, Section name(if exists also category) and Record Title should be enough.

For Image I think best solution will be to add meresources field, like used in templates to select needed field, as extra parameter for type where user will select image field and notification will take thumb image from that field.

I know that it will not be easy to implement it to current version but what do you think to add this feature to Next Realease for J4 ?

Does it worth discussion?

Последние изменения: 13 Фев 2019

Total posts: 13,748
07 Фев 2019 11:46

Giorgi625 Almost all sites which I visit show notification asking me to enable that feature.

Absolutely. That is why noone use it any more. Because if you do, it will spam you to death.

But, I agree it should be done.

Are we talking about notifications while I am on the site or it should be desktop notifications?

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
07 Фев 2019 12:58

I am about desktop notifications.

Cobalt's built in notifications are great and with this feature it will become greatest.

Total posts: 13,748
07 Фев 2019 13:38

Can you reffer me to article or good example tutorial?

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
07 Фев 2019 14:05

Here is one video , in description there are links to source code.

or you can see best answer on this stackoverflow page

Total posts: 13,748
08 Фев 2019 11:34

Giorgi625 Here is one video , in description there are links to source code.

This video for notifications that will work only while your page is opeened. You are looking for notifications that will show even if browser is closed, right?

Giorgi625 or you can see best answer on this stackoverflow page

Yep, I saw this tещзшсюthat is why I asked yнщгюthe answer generalized. It lists technologies used, but it does not provide a tutorial how to put them togather. In fact this topic was the reason I asked you to provide a good source :)

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
08 Фев 2019 12:41

Ok I will search for good tutorial and link once I will find it.

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
11 Фев 2019 16:12

I thinks this article should be good tutorial Click here to link...

There are also some other articles which I found Click here to link...

and Click here to link... here at the bottome are references to Google Developers pages about web push notifications.

Will this links help implementing this feature to Cobalt?

Total posts: 13,748
12 Фев 2019 05:50

May be Joomla has extension that enable this functionality with ability for 3d party extensions to use it?

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
12 Фев 2019 12:39

There are some but most of them use online services or does not mention supprot of 3rd party extensions. For example PushAlert has own joomla plugin and allows free account if you have not more then 3000 subscribers. Here is documentation There is also another one Pushcrew which allows free account if you have not more then 2000 subscribers. also has intergration with Joomla. Here is documentation

maybe it will be possible to overwrite one of this Joomla plugins (better pushalert) to work with Cobalt?

Total posts: 13,748
13 Фев 2019 09:35

You have to create your own server or everybody or create smal server on every Joomla installation. Either way it is quite a work.

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
13 Фев 2019 13:45

Ok, looks like it is mission imposible for now :(

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