Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
03 Дек 2016 19:11

Is there any posibility to get functionality same as Google Directions in a Geo field?

I need to show routes in a record like this route

My target is to use it for public transport. each bus has own route so I want to be able while adding new records set route and display it. google allows to edit in live mode, but I need to allow edit only when submiting record, and display only iamge or static map data at record view.(I want to display only blue line, not grey alternative lines from example image)

is there any chance to get this with functions which has cobalt or need to create custom field?

Последние изменения: 30 Дек 2016

Total posts: 13,748
07 Дек 2016 11:24

You want it on the adress map in article full view? Or in the list of articles map view?

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
07 Дек 2016 14:20

I want it on article full view. each article must have own direction.

For example Bus N1 starts route in City A and goes to City B, map must show road which will show this route. It is one record.

Bus N2 goes from City C to City D and map in record view shows road fo this route. but this two records maps are not connected to each other. they just only display routes for that Bus N for which is opened this record.

I have see nportals where it is possible to set start and end point and it will show route even if you need to change transport in a middle road but for now I just need to display map for each Bus independently.

Total posts: 13,748
16 Дек 2016 06:10

What would be departure point? Geo position of current user?

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
16 Дек 2016 10:00

No departure and arrival places must be set manually.


there is another alternative to allow kml or gpx files to be uplaoded to map and display route from file. I will ask people who use this transprots to records their way using gps apps on their phones and I can reward them with points for uploading each file.

Total posts: 13,748
19 Дек 2016 06:33

Giorgi625 No departure and arrival places must be set manually.

How that point should be set? During article creatation or by user who see it?

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
19 Дек 2016 08:07

During article creation. End user must see static image of map with route. he can't change anything.

Total posts: 13,748
23 Дек 2016 12:39

I see. Now I get it. That might be more complicated. At least this scenario is most complicated out of all that could be. I am sure it is doable but not sure I gonna have a time for that.

Total posts: 13,748
30 Дек 2016 15:56

klox7 Hi guys,

when I had a site with Mighty Resources I hired a guy to create a plugin for directions. It was used in travel industry and it worked like this...

This is exactly what I would do. But it looks like Giorgi needs little different. The article author have to define route and for end users it should be only static.

Anyway direction on PC does not make a lot of sense. I think that it is possible to use QR code. If you want to get there, you scan QR with your mobile, open your favorite map application and use it as navigator.

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
30 Дек 2016 16:24

I think displaying route from gpx or kml file will be also good option.

I used GPS Tools, but is is not flexible, it jsut allows to add title, description and tags, but I need to have specific fields except map, like list of cities which will pass transport on this route, shedule of leaving start point and many more.

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