rockon VIP
Total posts: 21
15 Сен 2015 17:06

Hey Sergey,

Sorry to bug you again. Was busy with setting up shop and else, now moving on step by step.

Please remember, my current project involves free subscriptions "purchased" through HikaShop, and you were so kind to extend the shop integration with the possibility that such free subscriptions can be first unpublished/inactive, so an admin has the chance to approve/publish/activate. Great!

Now, in this case, and when user goes to his Subscription History page, the following little things stand out:

1.) The subscription shows inactive (incl message explaining it), but despite the fact that it's a time-limited subscription, under "Days left" it says "Lifetime" (changing only to number of days once active). "Lifetime" is a bit irritating, especially there and then. IMHO, while the subscription is unpublished, this field would better be empty, or if any, it could maybe say "t.b.d." or equivalent.

2.) At the top of the page is the link "Purchase new or update subscription". Nothing wrong about it in general, only when integrated with HikaShop it should probably link to a (configurable?) shop menu, because that's where these things happen, or am I on the wrong track?

3.) More importantly, there's a button "Pay subscription". This must not be there (a) when integrated with HikaShop as, again, purchases would be made through the shop, (b) when it's a free subscription. Because, if user clicks it, he can actually continue to "Activate plan now", and - woohoo! - indeed activate the subscription himself! (Haha, that was supposed to be the admin's job...) Oh, and along the way there's another link to the Emerald plan listing (not to the shop).

Nothing which I couldn't "fix" myself. But if that recent trick with "initial state of freebies = unpublished" shall work all the way, then it'd be certainly good to include these things.

Should you intend to work this in anytime soon, please let me know, and then I guess I'll wait (have enough else to do for the next couple of days). Otherwise no problem - then I'll take care of it myself for my case here.

Either way, thanks for consideration!

Последние изменения: 22 Сен 2015

Total posts: 13,748
18 Сен 2015 06:18

rockon 1.) The subscription shows inactive (incl message explaining it), but despite the fact that it's a time-limited subscription, under "Days left" it says "Lifetime" (changing only to number of days once active). "Lifetime" is a bit irritating, especially there and then. IMHO, while the subscription is unpublished, this field would better be empty, or if any, it could maybe say "t.b.d." or equivalent.

That is because expiration date was not yet set. I do not know if I show expiration based on what date? Created? What if it is one day subscription and admin have managed to approve it after 2 days? Then he approved it one day after.

What i did, I have changed Lifetime label to Unknown if subscription is not yet active. Will be available next release. I already uploaded update but I'll also try to update once more later today.

rockon 2.) At the top of the page is the link "Purchase new or update subscription". Nothing wrong about it in general, only when integrated with HikaShop it should probably link to a (configurable?) shop menu, because that's where these things happen, or am I on the wrong track?

If you have subscription list (emlist view) override in your template with redirect to Hikashop, then this link will end up there also. So create file /templates/[template_name]/html/com_emerald/emlist/default.php and in that file enter only this.

JFactory::getApplication()->redirect(' ');

rockon 3.) More importantly, there's a button "Pay subscription". This must not be there (a) when integrated with HikaShop as, again, purchases would be made through the shop, (b) when it's a free subscription. Because, if user clicks it, he can actually continue to "Activate plan now", and - woohoo! - indeed activate the subscription himself! (Haha, that was supposed to be the admin's job...) Oh, and along the way there's another link to the Emerald plan listing (not to the shop).

Again if you do instruction above this is no longe an issue.

rockon VIP
Total posts: 21
18 Сен 2015 12:21

Thanks a ton for your reply, Sergey.

Re. 1.)

Sergey That is because expiration date was not yet set. I do not know if I show expiration based on what date? Created? What if it is one day subscription and admin have managed to approve it after 2 days? Then he approved it one day after.

What i did, I have changed Lifetime label to Unknown if subscription is not yet active. Will be available next release. I already uploaded update but I'll also try to update once more later today.

I can see the dilemma with expiry date for a new, yet unpublished subscription! What I've done so far was a language override


where TBD means "to be determined", obviously. This would work for me as there are generally no "lifetime" plans in my project. But "unknown" is also a good one!

Re. 2.)

Sergey If you have subscription list (emlist view) override in your template with redirect to Hikashop, then this link will end up there also. So create file /templates/[template_name]/html/com_emerald/emlist/default.php and in that file enter only this.

<span class="pi">&lt;?php
JFactory::getApplication()-&gt;redirect(' ');

Ha - I had already made an override of that file, replacing its content with the good old meta refresh redirect. But the Joomla way is also cool, of course.

Re. 3.)

Sergey Again if you do instruction above this is no longe an issue.

Not so sure: as far as I remember, this button links to a different page, not to 'emlist'? Anyway, I've made an override of 'emhistory' and removed the button there. Needed to remove some other things anyway, like "Usage" etc.

Thanks again.

I won't update/download today anymore, anyway - so, no urgency. Better "well" than "rush-rush"... :)

Total posts: 13,748
18 Сен 2015 12:49

rockon I've made an override of 'emhistory' and removed the button there.

Why remove? replace it with button to Hikashop product category. What if someone whats to update or get another subscription? Will be easier to find.

rockon VIP
Total posts: 21
22 Сен 2015 16:49

Sergey Why remove? replace it with button to Hikashop product category. What if someone whats to update or get another subscription? Will be easier to find.

Good point, and indeed I will certainly put something there. But honestly, I'm still not through the whole workflow, yet, need to get my head (and the client's head, too) around it. I guess it wants to be something like a "renew" button linking to the shop category or that particular subscription in the shop or so, and this button showing up only X days before expiry... I'll figure something out.

Thanks once again!

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